Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Countdown! =)

Even with all the ups and downs and the turbulent roller coaster ride we've been on with the certified morons that tried to buy the Van Buren house (but fell thru at the last minute-retards!), we're still moving on with the Shadow Lake house! We're all excited and can't wait to move in!! (6 days, 14 hrs, 6 min .. but who's counting?? LOL) Everything is packed (except daily living basics) and ready to go .. now all that's left is pacing the floors until the last minute stuff can be thrown into boxes and we can head off to the lake in the UHaul. Here are some of our favorite pics of the new FergaWilly home!

Taylor was so awesome getting so much done before he had to go on his 2-weeks of travel! He didn't leave much left for me to do at all, just a little odds-and-ends stuff. We can't wait until he comes home so we can all pace the floor together this weekend, counting down the hours until we can move into our dream home!!!

Happy (almost) Birthday Chloe!! =)


Missy Lee said...

SOOOOOO Exciting!! Hope you have extra room, cause you know we'll be coming to visit. I doubt it will be anytime really soon, but we'll get there. We miss you guys!

Small Town Girl said...

I just came across your blog and noticed the house omg we looked at that very house @ Shadow Lake.. Was Leigh your Realtor? The house is beautiful. I am so happy and excited for you all. I will follow your blog it will be nice to have a new bloger friend.